Sweet & Sour Raisin Roast Ingredients:
6 pounds beef roast (marinate the roast in red wine over night) Red wine (I like the sweet red Manischewitz grape wine but what ever you have laying around is good) as for the amount, start with a cup or two and go from there. 2 large cooking onions 1 clove minced garlic ¾ cup water or beef stock (instant powdered soup diluted) 2 bay leaves 2 tablespoons lemon juice or vinegar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 3 tablespoons ketchup ½ cup raisins Directions: Grease a large glass dish or cover the inside with tin foil. In a bowl mix the beef stock, lemon juice or vinegar, brown sugar, ketchup, raisins and what ever wine is left over from the marinate. After you take it out of the oven let it cool, then slice the steak and put it back in the same dish (do not drain the marinade). It also freezes very well so you can make it the day before and just heat up before serving. |
Fish in White Wine Sauce (Good for salmon stakes and trout.)
Ingredients: Directions: You can also put tomato slices on top of each fish with a maraschino cherry spiked with a toothpick. Put in the over for 30 to 40 minutes. |
How Men Should Cook The Perfect Steak Error fetching Flickr photos: A feed could not be found at https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.search&lang=en-us&format=feed-rss_200&api_key=623dd22ae0e9bd6ccdccda7be155cdb8&user_id=69086089@N03&sort=date-taken-asc&tags=rmbrecipesdinnersteak&per_page=50. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed. click here to close |
5 Easy Meals To Cook For Her Not every man can cook well. Not every man has a desire to cook well, and not every man has to. But what every man does need to realize is that cooking for a woman from time to time is a guaranteed way to impress her. This is why it is important that every man be able to competently cook a few simple meals.
The following recipes involve minimal ingredients and very few, uncomplicated steps to follow, but the rewards they bring are priceless. Pay specific attention to the suggestions for presentation. Women love a plate of food that looks as good as it tastes. The recipe for each entry is followed by a suggestion for a reasonably priced bottle of wine and easily prepared side dishes. Instructions on how to make these side dishes are provided at the end of this article. Easy main courses Directions: Side dish: Seasoned steamed broccoli and Uncle Ben’s Garden Vegetable Whole Grain Brown Rice. 2 – Pan seared filet mignon Directions: Side dish: Roasted red potatoes and steamed asparagus. Is she a vegetarian? No problem. Just follow these easy steps… 3 – Chipotle shrimp kabobs Directions: Side dish: Can be served on the skewers with rice or with tortillas. 4 – Sautéed lemon garlic chicken Directions: Side dish: White rice and broccoli. 5 – Vegetarian asian stir fry Directions: Side dish: Uncle Ben’s instant white rice. Uncle Ben’s Ready rice Adding these five easy recipes to your cooking repertoire will undoubtedly impress your girlfriend, or any guest you end up cooking for. Each recipe incorporates minimal preparation and short cooking times, allowing you to avoid spending long hours toiling over the stove. Bon Appétit. |