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Legitimate Rape Pharmaceutical Ad
Gay Men Will Marry Your Girlfriends
Gay Women Will Marry Your Boyfriends
Bain Capital - We're Not So Bad!
Bill Maher on France
Chris Rock - Message for White Voters
Johnny Carson Lie Detector Politician
I so want this in real life.
Jon Stewart Takes On The Rush Limbaugh
McCain Returns to Late Night With David Letterman
McCain vs Obama Dance Off
Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion
The Canada Party
The Truth About Hamas
John McCain And Barack Obama Roast Each Other At The Alfred E. Smith Memorial Dinner
John McCain’s Speech at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner (Part 1)
John McCain’s Speech at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner (Part 2)
Barack Obama’s Speech at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner (Part 1)
Barack Obama’s Speech at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner (Part 2)
O'Reilly vs Stewart Debate - Full Video